Scientists have discovered radio emission from a spacecraft orbiting the sun at the time for the first. 

The astronomers who conducted the study used an instrument located in the Netherlands to study three distinct stars believed to house Exoplanets 

The detected light source is actually from the super earth, named Tau Bootes b; the researchers demanded further observation of the system which is approximately 51 light-years away from Earth 

The research was actually initiated with Jupiter The researchers previously examined the planet's radio emissions.

Then adjusted these measurements to reflect the impact they believed the proximity to the star host as well as distance to Earth could have on their observations of the exoplanet.

Then, they reviewed observations made during 2016 and 2017, by researchers using the Low Frequency array (LOFAR) located in the Netherlands.  

In addition to the possibility of a signal coming from Tau Bootes b, the researchers also claim that they might have detected signals from the star Upsilon Andromeda 

Or even its planet, however the detection was much less luminous than the one that came from Tau Bootes b. 

Researchers are looking to find radio signals from planets as this information could aid scientists in understanding what's happening within the same planet's magnetic fields. 

The field of magnetic energy can, have an effect on the conditions on the planet's surface The Earth's magnetic field safeguards the atmosphere

These magnetic fields be used to inform scientists about other aspects of the world that are important, such as its structure or the history of it 

But that's only the beginning but it's not the end the researcher said, as radio waves could be coming directly from star systems or a different source other than the planet.

"There is still some uncertainty if the detected radio signal is from the planet. The need for follow-up observations is critical."