Scientists have identified two "Super-Earth" planets orbiting around an astronomical object that is about 100 light-years away from earth . One of them might be suitable for human life.

After looking through out possible extents of Universe, NASA found more than 5,000 Exoplanets outside the solar system.

But there are around 1500 "super-Earth" planets some are larger than Earth but are lighter that Neptune and Uranus discovered by NASA.

However, researchers at the University of Liege in Belgium and the University of Birmingham in England have announced latest found planets are much larger than Earth and having longer days than earth.

The discovery was made by NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) that examines around 200000 of the most brilliant stars close to the sun, in search of transiting exoplanets.

The planet is identified as LP 890-9b, is 30% bigger than Earth and revolves around it's orbit in 2.7 days utilizing the SPECULOOS telescope (Search for habitable Planets , EClipsing Ultra-cOOl Stars)

They discovered another planet LP 890-9c, later named"SPECULOOS-2c" by the scientists of University of Liege . It is 40% bigger than Earth which revolves around its star within 8.5 days

Given the possibility of sustainably living on this planet the scientists will continue to study it, and will be able achieve this information using instruments like the James Webb Space Telescope.

Even though the days are much longer on the second planet and it is much closer to its star as compared to Earth to sun, observations shows that the planet might be suitable for life.

According to an astrophysicist, the finding of LP 890-9c presents a tremendous opportunity to understand the conditions for habitability in the most compact and cool star in our solar neighbourhood.